Empowering professional women through reproductive stages. Addressing work-life challenges, protections, and guidance.

What is an Arrest and Criminal Conviction History Discrimination?
New York State and New York City's human rights laws prohibit discrimination based on arrest history or criminal conviction history. And there's only two narrow exceptions to this prohibition.

Are You a Victim of Age Discrimination?
If you feel you're being managed out, treated differently, victimized because of your age, you may be a victim of age discrimination and before you're fired, it's best to take action.

How to Obtain Severance?
If you're being discriminated against, it may lead to a severance package since your company is not allowed to treat you worse because of protected civil rights complaint
Do You Have a Valid Claim for Wrongful Discharge?
Do you have a valid claim for wrongful discharge? Well, ask yourself these three questions for a start.
Am I Entitled to Severance When I'm Terminated From My Job?
There's no law requiring a company to pay you severance anywhere in the United States.
Can I file a sexual harassment complaint if I am an unpaid intern?
Employment sexual harassment lawyer Jack Tuckner discusses how unpaid interns can file a sexual harassment claim in NY, CT, and NJ, and what actions an intern should take if they are being sexually harassed.
What Should You Do if You’re Being Sexually Harassed at Work?
In this video, employment discrimination and harassment lawyer Jack Tuckner discusses the action that you should take if you’re being sexually harassed at work.
Can I get fired if I report being sexually harassed by a client or customer?
What should I do if I’m being sexually harassed by a client or customer?
People who would never sexually harass co-workers sometimes believe that it’s ok to sexually harass others if they are a client or customer of the business. Employment attorney Jack Tuckner describes the actions you should take if you’re being sexually harassed by a client or customer.
Can My Employer Make Me Get the Vaccine?
Under what situations and conditions can you be excused from having to get vaccinated? Employee rights lawyer Jack Tuckner discusses these situations and conditions, and what an employee may need to do.
Should I Quit My Job If I’m Being Sexually Harassed or Subjected to Discrimination?
Don't quit. If you're dealing with discrimination in the workplace, a hostile work environment, you're being treated differently as a woman, a person of color, because of your age, because your disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, there are a number of protected categories under federal and almost every state's law, that will protect you from being treated differently.
DON'T QUIT YOUR JOB. Call a lawyer first. Find out why.
Quitting your job is just giving up and doing your employer a favor, and most of the time when you quit you’ll also be ineligible to even collect unemployment benefits, never mind being able to take your employer to court, which is near impossible once you’ve voluntarily resigned.
Can I Be Fired for Storming the Capitol or Other Free Speech?
Can you be fired for your free speech and or/for storming the capitol? Almost certainly yes, unfortunately. If you work for a private company you can be fired by your employer at anytime for any reason or absolutely no reason at all.
E-book - New York Employee Rights FAQs Under Covid-19
The escalating coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) has changed the life and work situations for millions of people throughout the US. In this time of frightening medical and economic crisis, Tuckner Sipser is especially concerned about protecting employee rights, we have prepared a set of FAQs to explain how federal, state, and local laws can protect your job and your income.
NYers - Make sure you are being paid minimum wage and proper overtime
Candidates Finally Talked About Paid Leave — But They’re Still Missing the Point
Should I Sign A Bad Work Evaluation or Write-Up?
New York Employment Lawyer Jack Tuckner explains what you should do if you’re asked to sign a bad work evaluation, and how you can best protect your rights.
Can I be fired for reporting sexual harassment?
You cannot be fired FOR reporting sexual harassment, as that’s illegal retaliation, because the sexual harassment reporting itself is protected activity under United States and your state’s civil rights laws.
Do you have a sex discrimination case that's valid and worth pursuing?
If you're experiencing any hostility or differential treatment because you're a woman in the workplace, you need to document it and put it in writing to your company. You need to complain, to allow your company the opportunity to investigate your protected Civil Rights complaint, and see it your way and remedy the situation.
Complaining about Discrimination in the Workplace
When you complain to your employer, what you have to do is tell your employer. When I say tell, you can tell, you can speak, you will speak, you will be interviewed about it, but make sure it's all documented.