Empowering professional women through reproductive stages. Addressing work-life challenges, protections, and guidance.

How should New York employees handle pay disparity issues at work?

Pay disparity or unequal pay is based on any protected status, such as race, color, creed, age, gender, gender identity, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, etc. All of the protected statuses under the New York Human Rights laws are covered by the unequal pay law.

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Candidates Finally Talked About Paid Leave — But They’re Still Missing the Point

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Sex Discrimination Makes Me Mad, How About You?

If you are a woman being paid less than a man, or treated worse than you should be treated at work because you’re a woman, because you’re pregnant, because you had a baby, because you took some protected disability leave either while you were pregnant, or after your baby was born, and now you are being penalized for it, or punished for it, you have to oppose it.

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No NDA's permitted in NY

Today's video is about confidentiality. Nondisclosure agreements are no longer permitted just because your employer wishes to sweep your claim and your settlement under the rug. You, now as the victim of the sexual harassment must consent to the privacy, to the confidentiality, to the nondisclosure agreement if it is to occur.

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Motherhood penalty causes gender pay disparity

If your company doesn’t correct what they are doing that is discriminatory toward you as a result of your pregnancy, which is inseparable from who you are as a woman obviously, you wanna be in a position where they would have to make you happy in the separation. If you have to get a divorce from your company, you want to be able to leave with your head held high, and your shoulders squared.

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What comprises Wrongful Termination?

If you feel you are being wrongfully terminated or you are wrongfully discharged, or dismissed, people use that term "wrongful termination" all the time. The thing is, it's not really a thing. It's not a claim. It's not a cause of action - it's more of a term of art that comprises several different notions of illegal or unjust firings from your job.

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The needs of the many...reasonable accommodation

The needs of the individual - you - with your condition, your bona fide disability under federal law and what the employer (the many) needs to do to 'reasonably accommodate,' to be flexible to your needs--that to the employer (the many)--is basically a pain in their butt, because it’s higher maintenance, more cost, but they have to do it under the law and that's the balance, that's the test of reasonable accommodation.

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The Secret to Filing Administrative Complaints with the EEOC or the SDHR: Don’t Do It!

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