Empowering professional women through reproductive stages. Addressing work-life challenges, protections, and guidance.

How Serious Does Sexual Harassment Have to Be to File A Complaint at Work? | New York Sexual Harassment Attorney Jack Tuckner Answers
How serious does #sexualharassment need to be to file a formal complaint at #work? Is unwanted workplace #flirting enough? New York Employment Rights Lawyer and Sexual Harassment Attorney Jack Tuckner explains what constitutes sexual harassment and when you should proceed with filing a complaint.

Kirby Demonstrates What Not To Do At Work
Make sure that you communicate to your company's human resources department that your cubicle neighbor is not maintaining an appropriate sociological distance from you.

Can Sexual Harassment Occur Between Individuals of the Same Sex?
A common misconception is that #SexualHarassment can only occur between people of the opposite gender. This is incorrect, as workplace #SexHarassment can (and does) frequently occur between members of the same sex. New York sexual harassment attorney Jack Tuckner explains what constitutes illegal workplace sexual harassment.
Is it illegal to have my baby bump belly touched by coworkers?
There's really no reason to be touching anyone's baby bump in the workplace. And if it continues after you've made it clear that this is unacceptable to you, it is sex discrimination, verging on sexual harassment, so that you should complain to your company, or at least put these concerns in writing so that your company can then put a stop to it.
How are damages determined in a sexual harassment lawsuit?
If you prevail in a sexual harassment lawsuit, you can consider four types of damages - back pay, emotional distress, punitive damages, and attorney's fees.
When does flirting in the workplace cross the line into sexual harassment?
Flirting, whether it's in-person at work, or by phone, email, Zoom, or text, if it is unwelcome, unwanted, unsolicited by you, it amounts to sex discrimination. Civil rights attorney Jack Tuckner explains when flirting in the workplace cross the line into sexual harassment.
Can I sue for sexual harassment if I am a consultant for a company?
In New York, if you are an independent contractor or consultant for a company, you are protected from sexual harassment or any other kind of discrimination.
Can I file a sexual harassment complaint if I am an unpaid intern?
Employment sexual harassment lawyer Jack Tuckner discusses how unpaid interns can file a sexual harassment claim in NY, CT, and NJ, and what actions an intern should take if they are being sexually harassed.
What Should You Do if You’re Being Sexually Harassed at Work?
In this video, employment discrimination and harassment lawyer Jack Tuckner discusses the action that you should take if you’re being sexually harassed at work.
Can I get fired if I report being sexually harassed by a client or customer?
What should I do if I’m being sexually harassed by a client or customer?
People who would never sexually harass co-workers sometimes believe that it’s ok to sexually harass others if they are a client or customer of the business. Employment attorney Jack Tuckner describes the actions you should take if you’re being sexually harassed by a client or customer.
Is my employer liable if I’m being sexually harassed by a customer or client?
Are you being sexually harassed by a customer or client? Noted NY Sexual harassment lawyer Jack Tuckner explains your rights.
Should I Quit My Job If I’m Being Sexually Harassed or Subjected to Discrimination?
Don't quit. If you're dealing with discrimination in the workplace, a hostile work environment, you're being treated differently as a woman, a person of color, because of your age, because your disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, there are a number of protected categories under federal and almost every state's law, that will protect you from being treated differently.
What to Do After a Sexual Assault in the Workplace
What Can I Do if My Company Won’t Address My Sexual Harassment Complaint?
You’ve made a written complaint to your company about being sexually harassed, but they won’t do anything. What should you do next? What are your options?
Can I be fired for reporting sexual harassment?
You cannot be fired FOR reporting sexual harassment, as that’s illegal retaliation, because the sexual harassment reporting itself is protected activity under United States and your state’s civil rights laws.
What Must a Company Do When a Sexual Harassment Claim is Made?
Once you make a sexual harassment claim to your company, they cannot simply ignore it. Find out what steps the company must take after a claim is made.
How Should I Report Sexual Harassment at Work?
Are you being sexually harassed at work? We have created a series of educational videos explaining what constitutes illegal workplace sexual harassment, and what you can do if you are being sexually harassed. In our second video, New York Employment Attorney Jack Tuckner explains how you should report workplace sexual harassment to management.
What Should I Do if I’m Being Sexually Harassed at Work?
Learn what constitutes sexual harassment, what you should do to stop it, how to report it, and how to protect your rights in the event of backlash.
Do you have a sex discrimination case that's valid and worth pursuing?
If you're experiencing any hostility or differential treatment because you're a woman in the workplace, you need to document it and put it in writing to your company. You need to complain, to allow your company the opportunity to investigate your protected Civil Rights complaint, and see it your way and remedy the situation.