Do you have a sex discrimination case that's valid and worth pursuing?
By Jack Tuckner, Esq. Hi, I'm Jack Tuckner, and I've been representing women in workplace discrimination cases for more than 20 years. The answer to that question, do I have a sex discrimination case and is it valid and worth pursuing, comes down to this. Are you being treated differently in the workplace? Are you experiencing hostility? Are you experiencing some type of differential treatment because of who you are as a woman, either because you're being subjected to some type of unwelcome sexual attention, which would be sexual harassment, or it's a hostile work environment in some type of sexist or misogynistic way. Or you're being paid less than men, comparator males performing comparable work, requiring equal skill, effort and responsibility, to you. That's gender pay disparity, or unequal pay, and that's illegal.Or, you're being treated differently, worse, ever since your company learned that you were pregnant. Or because you've taken maternity leave, which they must give you. Or when you return from maternity leave, you're experiencing some type of backlash because of their resentment that you were gone for two or three months. That's illegal sex discrimination too. And when you get back from maternity leave, by the way, your company must permit you to express milk, to lactate in the workplace, as well. Or that's pregnancy and sex discrimination.If you're experiencing any hostility or differential treatment because you're a woman in the workplace, you need to document it and put it in writing to your company. You need to complain, to allow your company the opportunity to investigate your protected Civil Rights complaint, and see it your way and remedy the situation. And if they do that, you've won the battles and the war, that's terrific. And your documented complaint is protective going forward, in case your company decides to subject you to some kind of backlash afterwards, because backlash after complaining is illegal retaliation. And that's the point of putting the complaint in writing, so that you'll have proof that you're giving your company a chance to resolve your discrimination complaint about sex discrimination. And if they don't, or they treat you worse because of it, you'll have proof of that too.If this video's been helpful, please like it below. And if you have any particular questions about your workplace issues, ask your question below and I'll be happy to answer it, or feel free to call us in our New York City or Mid-Hudson Valley offices, and we'll brainstorm together in total confidence and without charge to you.Thank you.