Empowering professional women through reproductive stages. Addressing work-life challenges, protections, and guidance.
DON'T QUIT YOUR JOB. Call a lawyer first. Find out why.
Quitting your job is just giving up and doing your employer a favor, and most of the time when you quit you’ll also be ineligible to even collect unemployment benefits, never mind being able to take your employer to court, which is near impossible once you’ve voluntarily resigned.
What are my Rights as a Pregnant Employee during the Pandemic?
During COVID pandemic, you're entitled to what's known as an interactive process, a discussion about your needs to be able to continue working while pregnant and remaining safe and keeping your unborn baby safe.
Pregnancy and COVID: Reasonable Accommodation in the Workplace
Pregnant women are at greater risk of developing a severe respiratory infection when they contract a respiratory-based virus. So what are the reasonable accommodations you are entitled to in the workplace?
Can My Company Make Me Get the COVID Vaccine?
Employers may require employees to get the COVID-19 vaccine before permitting the employee to return to the workplace.
Candidates Finally Talked About Paid Leave — But They’re Still Missing the Point
Your Rosa Parks Moment
If you're going to have your Rosa Parks moment, make it count. Make sure you document, document, document the complaint, and all follow up to the boss, to the HR department. Whatever happens, put it in writing. Hold their feet to the fire. Stand up for yourself. The Rosa Parks moment, Circa 2018 in the workplace.
No NDA's permitted in NY
Today's video is about confidentiality. Nondisclosure agreements are no longer permitted just because your employer wishes to sweep your claim and your settlement under the rug. You, now as the victim of the sexual harassment must consent to the privacy, to the confidentiality, to the nondisclosure agreement if it is to occur.
Disability, Work and the Law
Whatever the challenge you're facing, whether it is something related to pregnancy, or you have influenza, or a more serious issue and you need your employer to work with you, be flexible, compassionate, reasonably accommodate you - make sure that you're documenting all of this, putting it in writing, so you'll have a paper trail, because your employer can’t just be dismissive and cavalier and say, “Sorry, it's too much of a pain in the butt for us, we're not dealing with you anymore.” That would be illegal disability discrimination.