Empowering professional women through reproductive stages. Addressing work-life challenges, protections, and guidance.

Jack Tuckner: Leading Advocate for Pregnant Women Amid Tech Industry Layoffs Featured in Fast Company
Lost your job for not getting vaccinated? You still probably won't qualify for unemployment
"No major religion's doctrine prohibits vaccinations," says Jack Tuckner, women's rights in the workplace attorney. In CNET's latest article on vaccine requirements, Tuckner has noted that medical exemptions are "a challenging uphill battle"
What is the Effect of the New Biden Vaccine Mandate?
How will the mandate affect you and your job, and do you qualify for an exemption? Learn about your options from Jack Tuckner, NY employment rights attorney.
Can My Employer Make Me Get the Vaccine?
Under what situations and conditions can you be excused from having to get vaccinated? Employee rights lawyer Jack Tuckner discusses these situations and conditions, and what an employee may need to do.
Texas abortion law, right to choose and right to continued employment while pregnant
The United States Supreme court's recent decision allowing the state of Texas to ban all abortions after six weeks of pregnancy, is a constitutionally invalid, discriminatory law that will greatly affect women and hurt women, particularly poor and minority women, due to the sex-based imposition on them, precluding them from controlling their own bodies.
Great Long Overdue News for Fast Food Workers in NYC
Great Long Overdue News for Fast Food Workers in NYC The city of New York recently passed a law requiring “Just Cause” Protections for Fast Food Workers.
Can I Be Fired for Storming the Capitol or Other Free Speech?
Can you be fired for your free speech and or/for storming the capitol? Almost certainly yes, unfortunately. If you work for a private company you can be fired by your employer at anytime for any reason or absolutely no reason at all.
Your Rights as a Pregnant Employee During the Coronavirus Pandemic
Pregnant employees face a unique set of pregnancy-related stressors as they anticipate giving birth. Many pregnant women understandably experience anxiety regarding job security. Despite federal, state and local governments passing laws that protect pregnant employees, we still have a long way to go before pregnant employees feel entirely safe and empowered in the workplace.
E-book - New York Employee Rights FAQs Under Covid-19
The escalating coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) has changed the life and work situations for millions of people throughout the US. In this time of frightening medical and economic crisis, Tuckner Sipser is especially concerned about protecting employee rights, we have prepared a set of FAQs to explain how federal, state, and local laws can protect your job and your income.
"What I've Learned From My Pregnancy Discrimination Experience" - by Chelsey Glasson
You’ll quickly learn in vetting attorneys that there are many different approaches to fighting pregnancy discrimination legally... I highly recommend checking out Jack Tuckner’s podcast for a more comprehensive overview of your options.
COVID-19, Your Pregnancy and the Workplace—Is My Severe Coronavirus Anxiety Covered?
Your pregnancy-related severe anxiety regarding giving birth in a hospital during this escalating and unprecedented American coronavirus pandemic is covered by the law.
The EEOC Answers Questions on COVID-19, Pregnancy and Your Workplace Rights
The United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) answered questions related to the intersection of COVID-19, pregnancy and the workplace, among other workplace questions.
Candidates Finally Talked About Paid Leave — But They’re Still Missing the Point
Can my employer discriminate against me based on my hairstyle?
Do you have a sex discrimination case that's valid and worth pursuing?
If you're experiencing any hostility or differential treatment because you're a woman in the workplace, you need to document it and put it in writing to your company. You need to complain, to allow your company the opportunity to investigate your protected Civil Rights complaint, and see it your way and remedy the situation.