Empowering professional women through reproductive stages. Addressing work-life challenges, protections, and guidance.
Lost your job for not getting vaccinated? You still probably won't qualify for unemployment
"No major religion's doctrine prohibits vaccinations," says Jack Tuckner, women's rights in the workplace attorney. In CNET's latest article on vaccine requirements, Tuckner has noted that medical exemptions are "a challenging uphill battle"
What is the Effect of the New Biden Vaccine Mandate?
How will the mandate affect you and your job, and do you qualify for an exemption? Learn about your options from Jack Tuckner, NY employment rights attorney.
It's the Best Time Ever to be Pregnant and Working! Find out why!
Under federal law (if you work for an employer with at least 15 employees), you are covered by the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, the Civil Rights Act, which protects you from discrimination based on your sex, which all of course pregnancy-related issues are inseparable from your gender and who you are as a woman.
What are my Rights as a Pregnant Employee during the Pandemic?
During COVID pandemic, you're entitled to what's known as an interactive process, a discussion about your needs to be able to continue working while pregnant and remaining safe and keeping your unborn baby safe.
Pregnancy and COVID: Reasonable Accommodation in the Workplace
Pregnant women are at greater risk of developing a severe respiratory infection when they contract a respiratory-based virus. So what are the reasonable accommodations you are entitled to in the workplace?
Can My Company Make Me Get the COVID Vaccine?
Employers may require employees to get the COVID-19 vaccine before permitting the employee to return to the workplace.
Your Rights as a Pregnant Employee During the Coronavirus Pandemic
Pregnant employees face a unique set of pregnancy-related stressors as they anticipate giving birth. Many pregnant women understandably experience anxiety regarding job security. Despite federal, state and local governments passing laws that protect pregnant employees, we still have a long way to go before pregnant employees feel entirely safe and empowered in the workplace.
Are you pregnant and suffering severe anxiety during the COVID-19 health crisis?
If you are pregnant and suffering severe anxiety right now about giving birth during this coronavirus (COVID-19) health crisis, your employer must take that into account and be flexible with you due to your current pregnancy-based limitations.
COVID-19, Your Pregnancy and the Workplace—Is My Severe Coronavirus Anxiety Covered?
Your pregnancy-related severe anxiety regarding giving birth in a hospital during this escalating and unprecedented American coronavirus pandemic is covered by the law.