No NDA's permitted in NY
By Jack Tuckner, Esq.I am Jack Tuckner with the third and final video on the new sexual harassment law in New York - the revised New York State Human Rights Law that goes into full effect in July 2018.In the first two videos, I spoke about number 1) it now covers the New York state sexual harassment statute. All workers - independent contractors, consultants, vendors, any type of a worker for any employer in New York - whether you're a W-2 employee or not, you are now covered by the sexual harassment law, 2) Mandatory arbitration, private trials outside of the public sphere are no longer permitted by your employer.And today's video is about confidentiality. Nondisclosure agreements are no longer permitted just because your employer wishes to sweep your claim and your settlement under the rug. You, now as the victim of the sexual harassment must consent to the privacy, to the confidentiality, to the nondisclosure agreement if it is to occur.So those three new aspects of the sexual harassment statute that was revised by the New York legislature and signed by Gov. Cuomo and go into effect July 2018 now empower working women to hold their employers accountable in the event that things go south at work due to unwelcome sexual attention, or sex discrimination in the form of sexual harassment. If you want to discuss your particular claim or a loved one's claim in confidence free of charge please contact us at the Women's Rights in the Workplace advocates, either me Jack Tuckner or Deborah O’Rell, and we'll be happy to brainstorm with you with a view towards empowering, assisting, and representing you.