Empowering professional women through reproductive stages. Addressing work-life challenges, protections, and guidance.

Jack Tuckner: Leading Advocate for Pregnant Women Amid Tech Industry Layoffs Featured in Fast Company

What is an Arrest and Criminal Conviction History Discrimination?
New York State and New York City's human rights laws prohibit discrimination based on arrest history or criminal conviction history. And there's only two narrow exceptions to this prohibition.

Are You a Victim of Age Discrimination?
If you feel you're being managed out, treated differently, victimized because of your age, you may be a victim of age discrimination and before you're fired, it's best to take action.

How to Obtain Severance?
If you're being discriminated against, it may lead to a severance package since your company is not allowed to treat you worse because of protected civil rights complaint
Do You Have a Valid Claim for Wrongful Discharge?
Do you have a valid claim for wrongful discharge? Well, ask yourself these three questions for a start.
Am I Entitled to Severance When I'm Terminated From My Job?
There's no law requiring a company to pay you severance anywhere in the United States.
Your Divorce at Work: To Share or Not to Share?
The main reason to notify your employer about your divorce is to let them know how it might affect you personally and thus affect your work.
Can I get fired if I report being sexually harassed by a client or customer?
DON'T QUIT YOUR JOB. Call a lawyer first. Find out why.
Quitting your job is just giving up and doing your employer a favor, and most of the time when you quit you’ll also be ineligible to even collect unemployment benefits, never mind being able to take your employer to court, which is near impossible once you’ve voluntarily resigned.
5 ways to be discriminated against based on pregnancy
There are at least five principle ways that you can be discriminated against at work based on your pregnancy.
Can I be fired for something I didn't do?
Only if the real reason is based on the illegal factors embodied in the federal or state discrimination laws, then you got some leverage to hold your employer accountable.
It's all about the complaint...
If you are dealing with harassment in the workplace, very important that you complain to your employer. Give them a chance to investigate your allegations of gender discrimination, or harassment based on your race, color, pregnancy, national origin - it doesn't matter. The point is, that you have to give the employer, the company, the opportunity to fix it.
Can I be fired for stealing despite being innocent?
Being fired for stealing whether you are guilty or not, doesn't matter because your employer can fire you for any reason. Your employer can fire you for crazy reasons, just not illegal ones.
Can I see my personnel file?
The question is - there is negative information in your personnel file at your job, and your employer won't let you review it, see it, add to it, change it - is that legal?
What comprises Wrongful Termination?
If you feel you are being wrongfully terminated or you are wrongfully discharged, or dismissed, people use that term "wrongful termination" all the time. The thing is, it's not really a thing. It's not a claim. It's not a cause of action - it's more of a term of art that comprises several different notions of illegal or unjust firings from your job.
Paid Family Leave - Get Ready to Be Happy (Or At Least Less Depressed)
NY Lowers Employee Threshold for Bringing Sexual Harassment Claims, and Enhances Remedies
If you work anywhere in New York and you’re experiencing unwelcome sexual attention in the workplace, it’s now illegal, even if you work for a tiny company and you’re the only employee.