Empowering professional women through reproductive stages. Addressing work-life challenges, protections, and guidance.

My Forbes Feature on Male Allyship and Menopause in the Workplace

Jack Tuckner: Leading Advocate for Pregnant Women Amid Tech Industry Layoffs Featured in Fast Company
Lost your job for not getting vaccinated? You still probably won't qualify for unemployment
"No major religion's doctrine prohibits vaccinations," says Jack Tuckner, women's rights in the workplace attorney. In CNET's latest article on vaccine requirements, Tuckner has noted that medical exemptions are "a challenging uphill battle"
"What I've Learned From My Pregnancy Discrimination Experience" - by Chelsey Glasson
You’ll quickly learn in vetting attorneys that there are many different approaches to fighting pregnancy discrimination legally... I highly recommend checking out Jack Tuckner’s podcast for a more comprehensive overview of your options.