Empowering professional women through reproductive stages. Addressing work-life challenges, protections, and guidance.

It's the Best Time Ever to be Pregnant and Working! Find out why!

Under federal law (if you work for an employer with at least 15 employees), you are covered by the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, the Civil Rights Act, which protects you from discrimination based on your sex, which all of course pregnancy-related issues are inseparable from your gender and who you are as a woman.

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Are you pregnant and suffering severe anxiety during the COVID-19 health crisis?

If you are pregnant and suffering severe anxiety right now about giving birth during this coronavirus (COVID-19) health crisis, your employer must take that into account and be flexible with you due to your current pregnancy-based limitations.

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"What I've Learned From My Pregnancy Discrimination Experience" - by Chelsey Glasson

You’ll quickly learn in vetting attorneys that there are many different approaches to fighting pregnancy discrimination legally... I highly recommend checking out Jack Tuckner’s podcast for a more comprehensive overview of your options.

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Pregnancy Discrimination Act Turns 40

This week’s the 40th anniversary of the Pregnancy Discrimination Act - the 1978 federal law designed and enacted to protect women who become pregnant while working, from being fired while pregnant and working.

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