Empowering professional women through reproductive stages. Addressing work-life challenges, protections, and guidance.

What is workplace color discrimination and how is it different from race discrimination?
Many individuals conflate #ColorDiscrimination with #RaceDiscrimination, but the two are not the same. New York color and race discrimination lawyer Jack Tuckner explains the difference between race and color discrimination and what your #rights are under the law.

Can your company fail to promote you because you are pregnant?
If your company has failed to promote you because you're pregnant, that's illegal, that's illegal sex discrimination, it's illegal pregnancy discrimination.
Should I Sign A Bad Work Evaluation or Write-Up?
New York Employment Lawyer Jack Tuckner explains what you should do if you’re asked to sign a bad work evaluation, and how you can best protect your rights.
Complaining about Discrimination in the Workplace
When you complain to your employer, what you have to do is tell your employer. When I say tell, you can tell, you can speak, you will speak, you will be interviewed about it, but make sure it's all documented.
Hostile Work Environment: How to Protect Yourself?
If you identify that the hostility is arising because of something about you as a woman, or a person of color, or because of your age, or your disability, or some other protected status, then it is illegal.
The Secret to Filing Administrative Complaints with the EEOC or the SDHR: Don’t Do It!
Paid Family Leave - Get Ready to Be Happy (Or At Least Less Depressed)
NY Lowers Employee Threshold for Bringing Sexual Harassment Claims, and Enhances Remedies
If you work anywhere in New York and you’re experiencing unwelcome sexual attention in the workplace, it’s now illegal, even if you work for a tiny company and you’re the only employee.