Empowering professional women through reproductive stages. Addressing work-life challenges, protections, and guidance.

What do you do if you are discriminated against at your workplace?

To treat you equally as a woman, to not permit you to be sexually harassed, to not permit you to be working in an environment that may be hostile to women in general, and you in particular; to ensure that your work environment for the nine months of your pregnancy is flexible, isn’t hostile; that you are able to come back from maternity leave that your employer must provide for you, and they must provide a place for you to express milk after you come back from your maternity leave.

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No fault attendance policies often illegally discriminate against pregnant women

It's the law, it's the federal law if your employer has 15 employees, and if you work, depending on where you work, if you work in New York State, four employees. But chances are, if you work for an employer with at least 15 employees, you’re covered and it’s illegal when your employer disciplines you, or fires you because of their no-fault policy when you are pregnant.

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Can I be fired for something I didn't do?

Only if the real reason is based on the illegal factors embodied in the federal or state discrimination laws, then you got some leverage to hold your employer accountable.

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Bullying is legal in the workplace except...

The only bullying that is illegal is if you’re being treated differently because of who you are as a woman, a person of color, because of your religion, your age, your disability, your pregnancy, or because you decline unwelcome sexual advances at work - then you are being discriminated against, retaliated against, or just treated badly - that's all illegal.

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