Empowering professional women through reproductive stages. Addressing work-life challenges, protections, and guidance.

Gender Expression, Gender Identity Protection Bill Now Protects You in New York

Gender Expression, Gender Identity Protection Bill that will amend the New York State’s Human Rights Law to protect all binary gender, nonconforming employees, and transgender employees from discriminatory treatment.

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Breastfeeding at Work

Under federal law, since 2010, women returning from maternity leave who are breastfeeding, nursing parents - are entitled to a clean, private, non-restroom, non-bathroom space in which to express milk; to take a break and to lactate on a similar schedule to what your baby would be doing, nursing, if you were home, two or three times a day. Otherwise, it's very painful, you can develop mastitis, it may interfere permanently with your ability to breastfeed, and it’s illegal.

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NYCHRL revised May 9, 2018 to cover ALL employees in sexual harassment cases

Under the new revised statute as of May 9, 2018, even if you're the only employee, and you are being sexually harassed, being subjected to unwelcome sexual conduct, a sexually hostile work environment, you are in a position now to hold your employer accountable.

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