Empowering professional women through reproductive stages. Addressing work-life challenges, protections, and guidance.

How Serious Does Sexual Harassment Have to Be to File A Complaint at Work? | New York Sexual Harassment Attorney Jack Tuckner Answers
How serious does #sexualharassment need to be to file a formal complaint at #work? Is unwanted workplace #flirting enough? New York Employment Rights Lawyer and Sexual Harassment Attorney Jack Tuckner explains what constitutes sexual harassment and when you should proceed with filing a complaint.
HR makes me anxious
If you filed a complaint with your company and the human resource department calls you down to discuss it, I know you are probably anxious about going, but you need to go, and you need to cooperate with their investigation.
Is it a legitimate RIF?
If you are being fired from your job and so-called reduction-in-force or RIF, the question is if its legitimate RIF.