Don't Quit!

Be sure to follow these 5 very important steps to protect your rights if you feel you are being discriminated against in your workplace,#1. DON’T QUIT Though it may be tempting and you feel you can’t take it one more minute, DON’T QUIT. Resist the urge, because you’ll regret it. You give up most of your legal leverage when you resign or quit your job. Call a qualified employment attorney for help BEFORE you decide to call it quits.#2.Put your complaint in writing If you believe your employer is violating your civil rights, you must notify them. In writing. Under federal law, your employer must investigate your complaint and respond with corrective action to fix it, if necessary. By putting it in writing, you are leaving a paper trail that you have given your company the opportunity to comply with federal and state employment laws/human rights laws. People are often afraid to complain for fear they will be terminated. We understand. But, if you don’t complain or let them know what’s going on, how can it be fixed? By putting it in writing, should there be any backlash regarding the conditions of your employment, that backlash could be considered retaliation under the various anti-discrimination statutes. Retaliation, is any workplace backlash you may experience following your notification to your employer about a civil rights violation. For example, if you’re continually being passed over for a promotion by less experienced or less qualified candidates, and you believe it is because of your sex, race or age, you complain to HR, and then suddenly you’re terminated, that sounds like retaliation for your “protected” complaint. You may not be able to “prove” discrimination but if you’re fired as a result and on the heels of your complaint, the retaliation aspect of your case is stronger due their bad timing.#3. Don’t file with any governmental agency. Yet. Often people feel hurt or harmed by their employer and they’re seeking immediate justice. They run off and file a complaint with the EEOC or a state Human Rights Agency. DON’T. Where and when you file can impact your future options. DON’T FILE before checking with an experienced employment attorney.#4.Contact a lawyer Many employment attorneys offer no charge consultations to help you determine if your situation might be covered by city, state or federal laws. Each situation is unique. Different counties, different states, the size of the company, your unique needs, all factor into the evaluation. Protect yourself and call a Plaintiff’s employment lawyer, that’s an attorney who concentrates in employee workplace rights.#5. DON’T QUIT It bears repeating. Please, believe us. For more information, visit: WWW.WOMENSRIGHTSNY.COM and DON’T QUIT.