Saswat Pattanayak, PHD
Saswat, our radical information technologist, firm web & social media administrator, and lead blogger, is a Third Wave feminist and critical media scholar, engaged primarily in the sphere of organizing education and agitation with a view toward adding substantial value to the fight against this divisive and crumbling world of capitalist-spawned inequities. A true believer, Saswat brings a rare and true passion of his convictions to everything he does for and with Tuckner, Sipser, and we thank our Creator for her generosity at sending him our way.
Saswat earned his Ph.D. in Journalism and Public Communication from University of Maryland, College Park where his dissertation dealt with political blogs and the changing discourse of public persuasive communication. With academic backgrounds in critical media research, psychology and computer studies, Saswat is our own transcendent Renaissance Man, who engages in Film Studies, Intergroup Dialogues, Journalism, web weaving and professional Photography. He is the author of Saswat Blog, co-editor of Radical Notes, and founder of Critical School (a grassroots endeavor to promote critical inquiry).