Tuckner, Sipser, Weinstock & Sipser, LLP
Tuckner, Sipser, Weinstock & Sipser, LLP is a progressive New York City law firm dedicated to the empowerment of women in the workplace. We represent individuals experiencing all forms of workplace discrimination, specifically those affecting women, including sexual harassment, gender pay disparity, and the always trendy pregnancy discrimination in its many guises.
We represent women across a broad spectrum of workforce issues. From sexually harassed and tormented “workfare” employees to senior executives involved in complex severance negotiations, our goal is always the same: to advance the best interests of our client from a financial, emotional and social justice perspective.
Our firm accepts referrals on employment-related issues from many socially-conscious law firms and organizations, including:
* 9 to 5 Job Survival Hotline
* National Employment Lawyers Association
* National Organization for Women
* Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Law Association of Greater New York.
At Tuckner, Sipser our mission is to advance the cause of working women so that ultimately, women will not have to sacrifice fulfillment at home for a successful career.
“More equality and support, not lowered expectations, is what women need, at work and at home. It’s going to be a long struggle. If women allow motherhood to relegate them to secondary status in both places….. we’ll never get there….. a world with fewer female surgeons, playwrights and professors strikes me as an inferior place to live.” Katha Pollitt
Law in the Service of Human Needs
We are civil rights lawyers who champion the rights of employees in general and women in particular against workplace discriminatory practices. From the increased frequency of adverse employment actions taken against pregnant working women, to the reliably predictable occurrence of men subjecting female subordinates to unwelcome sexual advances at work, we arm women with empowering information, emotional support, personal advocacy and court action in state or federal court if necessary.
We live in frightening and corrupt times, where corporations are now "people" under the US Constitution with the right to use its uncapped and undisclosed money as "speech," yet The Equal Rights Amendment, first proposed in 1923 to affirm that women have rights equal to men under the law, is still not part of the U.S. Constitution. Get involved. Stand up for yourself and others. Fight for your right to be equal.