Jack Tuckner to host weekly radio show on PRN.fm

Jack Tuckner, civil rights attorney and co-founder of Women's Rights in the Workplace, has now added radio personality to his resume.
He was invited to host a weekly radio show on PRN.fm every Monday at 5pm EST to discuss workplace issues. PRN.fm is the #1 internet radio network for progressive minds.
February 24th was the premier show in which he shared information on what to do if you are experiencing a workplace civil rights violation, what a civil rights violation actually is and how employers fool women regarding their FMLA protections. Each week he, along with his guests, will be discussing employment issues and emerging new law. You're invited to call in LIVE to and he will try to address any your questions. Tune in Mondays at 5pm Eastern on PRN.fm. Or log in to listen to the archives.