Icelandic Chicks Rule

Yes, it’s true. Not only is that babe from Reykjavik you just met a looker, she’s also your equal, can you imagine? And she’s luckier than you if not actually better, as she gets to live in region that’s not afraid to honor the feminine. Iceland came in 1st place again in the 2012 World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Index, and Finland, Norway and Sweden came in 2nd, 3rd and 4th respectively. The US came crawling across the finish line at a disrespectable 22nd place, just ahead of Mozambique and Burundi.
The Nordic women enjoyed the closest pay equality with men of any country in the world, and they’re entitled to 18 months of paid maternity leave, versus thezero months of paid maternity leave the United States offers. And they excelled in all the other metrics of independence and freedom, health and survival, political empowerment, infant mortality, workforce engagement; their rates are the best on the planet. Yet, even though the Scandinavians may have this gender equality and social justice thing down pretty good, and they may be thehappiest people on earth (we're unhappy in 16th place), none of that's going to help them with their looks, as that whole tall, slender, athletic, blonde, genetically gifted Nordic thing can get old pretty pretty pretty fast.